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Tatiana Senina (moniale Kassia). La doctrine du hiéromoine Antoine Boulatovitch sur les idées et sa théorie de la connaissance // Scrinium. Т. 7–8: Ars Christiana. In memoriam Michail F. Murianov (21.XI.1928–6.VI.1995). Edited by R. Krivko, B. Lourié, and A. Orlov. Part Two. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011–2012. P. 314-325.

One of the most interesting parts of the theory of divine names pro-posed by the Athonite imiaslavtsy (onomatodoxes) is their theory ofknowledge and doctrine of ideas, which were developed by Anthony Bu-latovich. Bulatovich denied any pre-existence of the ideas but believedthat they were created together with the creatures to made the createdworld knowledgeable and to allow to the rational creatures expressing ofdivine truths and, in particular, divine names. Thus, Bulatovich followedthe Byzantine conceptual realism, which was the mainstream ontologicalview of the Fathers and, especially, Maximus the Confessor and GregoryPalamas.

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